Gourmé Decò | Arena Group | Catania

Gourmé Decò | Arena Group | Catania

Cefla Shopfitting designed the new Decò Arena retail outlet in Catania, the first gourmet shop in a supermarket chain that consists of some 250 direct/affiliated shops.

The new proximity shop gourmet format, located in a central, pedestrianised area in Catania and which recalls traditional local indoor markets, was conceived, designed and built entirely by Cefla Shopfitting. The format has two main sections: hyper-fresh (bakery and gastronomy, salamis and cheeses, fruit and veg, fish and meat counter) and off-the-shelf and perfumery products. The two parts are divided by a 'hinge' zone that features wine and organic food areas; these are, in turn, furnished with warm colours to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Shopfitting solutions employed warm materials, lights and colours and wall linings in both wood and ceramic. For the shelving an Evo System 10 configuration was chosen; the plain backdrop was given a transparent coating to enhance the colour of the steel. Newly designed displayers plus a coordinated selection of materials, colours and lights give the various departments a warm, cosy atmosphere that highlights the variety and quality of the displayed products even more. The arrangement of the checkout barrier is particularly innovative; it features Cefla Compact models, organised as a single-line queuing solution where customers are called to the checkouts as they become free. A system that recalls airport check-in desks.