Cefla showcases its ability to innovate
A moving trip through all areas of life to witness an array of advanced solutions.
Screened for the first time April 9th, the video you can watch on this page tells of how the company is inspired to keep on researching authentically innovative products and solutions, destined to break ground on international markets.
The opening scene introduces the main character as she strolls through a city centre, surrounded by Italian culture and history. Throughout her trip lasting a typical day she encounters one innovation after another, some visible, others not. These are the innovations we develop and which contribute to improving the quality of life in a host of different situations. The short film tells the story of a better world, a world as we imagine it, in which technology is a friend, simple and supportive, even moving.
From Proximity Marketing to Building Automation, through supermarkets, dental surgeries and furnished kitchens
We follow the girl as she enters a bookshop. Her smartphone receives notification of a special offer, guiding her to the book she was looking for, all thanks to our Proximity Marketing solutions.
The way out of the bookshop becomes the door opening onto a new dimension, the medical world where our systems of advanced radiology perform high-precision diagnostics ensuring immediate results. Instantly plunged into a new way of interpreting illumination, she enjoys the benefits of latest-generation LED lighting present in modern supermarkets equipped by Cefla Shopfitting. Behind this innovation is Cefla’s new company specialising in LED lighting technologies, called C-LED, created at the start of April. Then comes an elegant house interior, with perfectly finished surfaces, even personalised thanks to digital printing solutions developed by Cefla Finishing. We then see the main character meeting with her colleagues in an office inside a fully automated building thanks to advanced Automation systems developed by Cefla Plant Solutions, once the heart of the company.
The power of working together can be seen in the huge turnout
Our main character ends her trip together with hundreds of people gathered on the grass lit by the slanting rays of a setting sun.
And here she is, having benefited from the innovations throughout her day, part of the Cefla team, herself promoter of as well as being on the receiving end of the innovations portrayed in the video. The emotional final scene presents the red, sail-shaped logo of Cefla as it comes to life on the grass field. Made of the people who work in the company as they cry out “We are Cefla” which sums up the spirit of this climax to the video: proud to belong to a team and be part of a story of an Italian company that has made innovation a way of life.